Virtual Violence

Abstract Immersive virtual reality may change the way we interact with each other.  In the future, we may be technologically capable of experiencing every aspect of an interaction except its physiological consequences.  So what does this mean for...

Glass Half Empty

Abstract This science-fiction legal Essay is set in the year 2030.  It anticipates the development and mass adoption of a device called the "Ruby" that records everything a person does.  By imagining how law and society would adjust to such a...

Two Fables

Abstract This Article contains two imaginary stories about the future.  The first attempts to imagine what might happen if intellectual property law no longer prohibited copying and we were to live in a world entirely driven by data, algorithms, and...

Policing Police Robots

Abstract Just as they will change healthcare, manufacturing, and the military, robots have the potential to produce big changes in policing.  We can expect that at least some robots used by the police in the future will be artificially intelligent...

Environmental Law, Big Data, and the Torrent of Singularities

Abstract How will big data impact environmental law in the near future?  This Essay imagines one possible future for environmental law in 2030 that focuses on the implications of big data for the protection of public health from risks associated...