
Tibet and Tax Revolts: Did Serrano Really Cause Proposition 13?

In this Article, we examine the relationship between Serrano v. Priest, the California Supreme Court's landmark school finance equalization decision, and Proposition 13, the state's famous property tax revolt. As school finance litigation continues in several states, opponents of equalization schemes have argued that Serrano "caused" Proposition 13. Prior to Serrano, the argument goes...

Insider v. Issuer: Resolving and Preventing Insider Trading Compliance Policy Disputes

During the 1990s, the use of stock-based compensation by U.S. companies skyrocketed. Many companies bound their officers and employees to insider trading compliance policies, requiring personnel to pre-clear proposed transactions in company securities with a compliance officer. These policies, however, frequently fail to stipulate the precise level of discretion afforded the compliance officer...

Talking Torts

This Is Gary

Proximate Cause Decoded

Some have seen the doctrine of proximate cause as an especially incoherent feature of negligence law. This Article demonstrates that the doctrine is far more regular than many have supposed. Proximate cause is really two doctrines at the same time, one directed toward cases with multiple causes and another directed toward cases with multiple risks. Each doctrine includes distinct paradigms...