
Why We Need the Independence Sector: The Behavior, Law, and Ethics of Not-for-Profit Hospitals

Among the major forms of corporate ownership, the not-for-profit ownership form is distinct in its behavior, legal constraints, and moral obligations. A new empirical analysis of the American hospital industry, using eleven years of data for all urban general hospitals in the country, shows that corporate form accounts for large differences in the provision of specific medical services. Not-for...

Taming Patent: Six Steps for Surviving Scary Patent Cases

This Article mainly is for federal district judges, who keenly appreciate how modern patent law challenges their competence. The Supreme Court's 1996 Markman decision requires district judges to make highly scientific and technological decisions in patent cases. But these judges typically have no background in science or technology at all. This Article surveys six concrete steps judges should...

Searching for Trust in the Not-for-Profit Boardroom: Looking Beyond the Duty of Obedience to Ensure Accountability

Until recently, little attention has been paid to the law governing not-forprofits, and in particular (1) whether the not-for-profit director should be held to a trust standard, a corporate standard or some other standard in fulfilling his fiduciary duties, and (2) who should have standing to enforce those fiduciary duties. In the 1990s these issues were pushed to the forefront by public scandals...

Acknowledging Those Stubborn Facts of History: The Vestiges of Segregation

In 1955, as part of its historic drive to desegregate the nation's public schools, the Supreme Court authorized district judges to set in motion and oversee desegregation programs in hundreds of school districts throughout the country. Within a few decades of this decision, however, such desegregation programs quickly came under attack. In the 1991 decision Board of Education v. Dowell, the...

Anticircumvention Misuse

The anticircumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act penalize both the circumvention of technical protection measures, and supplying the means for such circumvention. These prohibitions are entirely separate from the exclusive rights under copyright, causing some commentators to dub the anticircumvention right as "paracopyright." Such paracopyright effectively grants copyright...

Democratizing Direct Democracy: Restoring Voter Competence Through Heuristic Cues and "Disclosure Plus"

Lawmaking by direct democracy, whereby the public votes directly on initiatives and referenda, is an increasingly popular and frequent feature of American politics. But critics of direct democracy point out that voters do not know basic facts about ballot measures, seem confused about the issues, and appear unduly influenced by superficial advertising. I argue that the source of voter confusion...

Directors' Duties to Creditors: Power Imbalance and the Financially Distressed Corporation

This Article questions the widely held view that the fiduciary duties that corporate directors ordinarily owe to or for the benefit of shareholders should "shift" to creditors when the corporation is in financial distress. This view suffers from two important flaws. First, it mistakenly assumes a strong connection between duty and priority in right of payment. Thus, the thinking goes, as the...

Of Windfalls and Property Rights: Palazzolo and the Regulatory Takings Notice Debate

Claims for government compensation due to regulatory takings usually hinge on the reasonable investment-backed expectations of the claimant. The 2001 U.S. Supreme Court decision Palazzolo v. Rhode Island eliminated notice of existing regulations as a bar to such a takings claim. Left undecided was the extent to which notice affects the claimant's reasonable investment-backed expectations. In this...

Is the ADA Efficient?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a significant legal intervention designed to improve outcomes for people with disabilities. An informal model of worker-firm matching provides the organizing framework for this Article to explore the economic effects of disability discrimination law in the workplace. The framework shows how the presence of individuals with disabilities in the labor...

Locking up the Marketplace of Ideas and Locking out School Reform: Courts' Imprudent Treatment of Controversial Teaching in America's Public Schools

Courts have recognized two primary, oft-conflicting interests in teacher speech cases: (1) a societal interest in exposing students to a robust exchange of ideas, usually promoted by protecting teachers' academic freedom, and (2) a broad and unspecified, but not unconstrained, state interest in value inculcation, usually promoted by limiting teachers' academic freedom. In this Article, Professor...

Reimagining the Eleventh Amendment

Under current law, the Eleventh Amendment exemplifies, rather than fully expresses, a principle of immunity that shields unconsenting states from suit in federal court, although this immunity is functionally constrained to a degree by a limited power of congressional abrogation, Ex parte Young, and suits under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. This Comment suggests that the "fundamental postulates" underlying...

Dealing with Cryopreserved Embryos upon Divorce: A Contractual Approach Aimed at Preserving Party Expectations

The development of assisted reproductive technologies, including cryopreservation, or freezing, of embryos created through in vitro fertilization, has given rise to complex legal questions. Because cryopreservation permits indefinite storage of embryos, if couples fail to specify disposition directions, they may disagree regarding embryo treatment upon the occurrence of contingencies such as...

By Any Means Necessary: Using Violence and Subversion to Change Unjust Law

There remains law in the United States that discriminates against African Americans. Important legal advancements in racial justice in the United States historically have been accomplished by tactics that included subversion and violence. This Article evaluates the use of subversion and violence to change contemporary law perceived as discriminatory, when traditional methods are ineffective or...

Fair Use Across Time

This Article proposes that, as a copyright work ages, the scope of fair use, especially as to derivative works and uses, should expand. This is because the "market" for a copyrighted work has a temporal dimension; the copyrighted work has a market of a fixed number of years. In considering the fourth element of § 107 fair use, courts have discussed two kinds of situations in which the market for...