
A Watershed Moment Revealing What’s at Stake: How Ag-Gag Statutes Could Impair Data Collection and Citizen Participation in Agency Rulemaking

Abstract What may state legislators do to prevent actions that they believe endanger private property interests and undermine the economic interests of industries important to their constituents?  What laws can they enact to restrict the speech of those who disagree with those interests?  What limits can they place on free speech in a contest pitting one constitutional set of rights against...

Spring Scholar Forum, Volume 64

Conjugal Liability UCLA Law Review Spring Scholar Forum Monday, April 3 12:15 – 1:30 pm Room 1457 The UCLA Law Review proudly presents its Spring Scholar Forum, featuring Columbia Law School Professor Sarah Swan. Professor Swan's article, Conjugal Liability, will be published in Volume 64 of the UCLA Law Review. At the Scholar Forum, Professor Swan will present her article, which examines the...

Episode 2.4: Discussing Judge Neil Gorsuch with Professor Adam Winkler

In this episode, we discuss Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.  Tune in to hear our guest, UCLA Law Professor Adam Winkler, describe Judge Gorsuch's judicial philosophy and record.  You'll also hear Professor Winkler explain what to expect during Judge Gorsuch's upcoming nomination process. The study we discuss in this interview is Estimating the Policy Preferences of Judge Neil M. Gorsuch by...

Contagion Without Relief: Democratic Experimentalism and Regulating the Use of Antibiotics in Food-Producing Animals

We are progressing toward a post-antibiotic world: Antibiotic drugs that could once treat basic infections are losing their effectiveness at an accelerating rate. If this trend continues, common illnesses will become potentially deadly, and more complex procedures—chemotherapy, surgeries, dialysis—will carry much more significant risk. The modern industrial agricultural system may have...

Too Big to Disclose: Firm Size and Materiality Blindspots in Securities Regulation

This Article argues that the securities disclosure regime contains previously unexamined structural deficiencies that pertain to the information provided by the largest public companies. These deficiencies arise from the operation of the materiality standard, a core element of the disclosure regime that is used in a number of SEC disclosure rules. The materiality standard is designed to limit...

The Stream Of Violence: A New Approach to Domestic Violence Personal Jurisdiction

There is a split among state courts about whether personal jurisdiction over an alleged domestic violence perpetrator is required in order to obtain a civil protection order preventing the defendant from contacting the victim. Some courts have held that such orders interfere with the defendant’s liberty interests, and therefore the Due Process Clause requires personal jurisdiction for the...

Rethinking Misdemeanor Neglect

Millions of criminal defendants, most of them indigent, are convicted of misdemeanor offenses every year. Many are constitutionally entitled to free legal counsel, yet in practice the quality of that counsel depends on how public defender agencies allocate attorneys between misdemeanor and felony defendants. Attorney experience is a limited, if not scarce, resource, and public defenders will...