Deliberate Endangerment: Detention Of Noncitizens During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Abstract In the midst of worldwide efforts to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) continues to detain noncitizens in dangerous conditions that create a high risk of infection.  This Article explores the dire situation facing detained noncitizens as a result of the government’s decision to imprison tens of thousands of people in civil confinement during an...

Mental Health And Homelessness In The Wake Of Covid-19: The Path To Supportive And Affordable Housing

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a bright light on the public health crisis faced by people experiencing homelessness, and particularly those with mental illnesses.  The lack of clean, safe, and affordable housing in the  United States’s largest cities, and the limited access to supportive care for people experiencing symptoms of mental illness, is emblematic of not just this current...

Reentering During a Pandemic

Abstract Criminal record clearing remains an important tool to combat the overrepresentation of Black and Latinx people in unemployment and homelessness statistics that is a consequence of systemic racism.  Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these barriers by making it harder to clear criminal records while increasing the demand for employment and housing.  Specifically, the...

Utopía Del Lekil Kushlejal (Vida Plena):

Resumen El personaje principal del pequeño escrito es Balam, él sobre los acontecimientos que ha vivido a lo largo de su vida. Balam fue un niño con muchas restricciones debido a su cultura. Balam se separa de su madre a su corta edad y es ahí donde empezó a entender que el sufrimiento, la tristeza es parte de la vida. Balam va narrando conforme a las etapas de su crecimiento y dentro de estas...

Staying Healthy In A Pandemic: How The COVID-19 Emergency Has Strengthened Barriers To Healthcare For California’s Vulnerable Populations

Abstract COVID-19 has completely refashioned our healthcare landscape and day-to-day lives.  During the pandemic, we have all transitioned to a new normal which includes remote work, navigating health insurance options after losing employment or becoming underemployed, and partaking in cautious outings outside of our homes equipped with face masks, gloves, and antibacterial gel or wipes.  The...

From Commodities To Communities: Reimagining Housing After The Pandemic

Abstract While COVID-19 is not the root cause of housing insecurity, the pandemic has pulled hundreds of thousands of Californians to the precipice of housing loss.  This Article describes the existing eviction process that values individual property rights over the human right to housing, and describes proposed legislative solutions to prevent evictions en masse before considering urgent long...

1200 Dollars And A Mule: COVID-19, The CARES Act, And Reparations For Slavery

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic casts into sharp relief a number of questions relating to reparations.  In particular, the COVID-19 crisis highlights the medical vulnerability of the Black community, illustrating the very real physical harm caused by slavery and racism in the United States.  At the same time, government responses to the crisis demonstrate the ability to distribute money to large...

Abolishing Racist Policing With the Thirteenth Amendment

This Essay is also forthcoming in our print edition. Abstract Policing in America has always been about controlling the Black body. Indeed, modern policing was birthed and nurtured by white supremacy; its roots are found in slavery. Policing today continues to protect and serve the racial hierarchy blessed by the Constitution itself. But a string of U.S. Supreme Court rulings involving the...