Senate Bill 54 (2017): California Versus the Law Enforcement Lobby

ABSTRACT Before calls to abolish Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) became a progressive rallying cry throughout the United States, the California Values Act of 2017 (SB 54) promised to freeze ICE out of California. The goal behind SB 54 was to restrict state and local law enforcement entanglement with ICE in the state with the most immigrants in the country. In fact, most deportations...

Bail Reform and the (False) Racial Promise of Algorithmic Risk Assessment

ABSTRACT Pretrial risk assessment instruments (PRAIs) have captured national attention in recent years. These instruments utilize computer algorithms to aid judges in making two predictions: whether a person will return to court while on pretrial release and whether a person will pose a danger to the public while on pretrial release. This Article contends that PRAI advocates have been inattentive...

State Constitutions and Summary Judgment

ABSTRACT Is summary judgment constitutional? Scholars have passionately debated the question in recent years. But they have made an important oversight. Ironically, the issue surrounding summary judgment’s constitutionality that is the most important—whether it violates state constitutions— has received the least scholarly attention. This Article is the first to consider whether summary judgment...

The End of Deportation

ABSTRACT This Article introduces to legal scholarship a new horizon for pro-immigrant scholarship and advocacy: deportation abolition. The ever-present threat of deportation shapes the daily lives of noncitizens. Instead of aiming for a pathway to citizenship, most noncitizens must now contend with dodging the many pathways to banishment. Despite growing threats to immigrant survival, most pro...

“Settling” Brown’s Promise: Seeking More Equal Access to Quality Education Through Settlement

Abstract Education is universally acknowledged as fundamentally important. Yet, education advocates have long struggled to bring about effective school reform through both legislative and judicial avenues for a myriad of reasons including budgetary constraints, a lack of consensus regarding what reforms are most effective, and racist perceptions of reform. In recent years, school reform...

Coroporate Accountability and Worker Empowerment

Book Review An Equal Place: Lawyers in the Struggle for Los Angeles. By Scott Cummings. Oxford University Press. 2020. Pp. ix, 688. Introduction Scott Cummings’s An Equal Place is a monumental rendition of the history of Los Angeles’s social movements with a multifaceted set of actors working together to obtain equality for low-wage workers.  At just over 500 pages long, the book is a brilliant...